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Marketr - Email marketing, follow-ups and reminders to customers

Marketr allows you to set up a variety of campaigns to keep in touch with your customers. You can create automated follow ups to check-in after a ticket has been resolved, all based on specific time frames that work well for you. Alternatively, you can also do one-time blasts to all customers, or a portion of your customers based off saved Customer Searches.

Table of Contents

Set Up
Start a Campaign
How automatic trigger campaigns work
Free and Trial Account Restrictions
Saved Customer Searches
Using Saved Customer Search Lists
RMM Asset Search
From Mailbox Address
Campaign Statistics


Set Up

To add Marketr to your tabs,

  1. Click on Your Name in the top right-hand corner of RepairShopr
  2. Select Tabs Customization from the drop-down menu 
  3. Check Marketr box to enable.
  4. If desired, drag the Marketr item with the hamburger menu to where you want it in the list.
  5. Click Save.

Start a Campaign

  1. Go to the Marketr tab.
  2. To use a predefined campaign, just click Enable in the desired campaign. It will appear in the Your Running Marketr Mailers at the top.
  3. To create your own campaign, in the Custom Campaign box click Start.
  4. Fill in the Mail Campaign Name.
  5. After running the campaign, you can come back and turn on Pause this Campaign. It will stop running until you come back and turn it off.
  6. Include Marketing Contacts is turned on by default. This means that both customers and contacts with Receive Marketing Emails turned on and who have valid emails will receive the email. When Include Marketing Contacts is turned off, only customers with Receive Marketing Emails turned on will receive the email, but not their contacts. Important Tip: If you want to send to contacts only, on the main customer's page click the Edit button, then turn off Receive Marketing Emails and click Save Changes. Then for their contacts turn on Receive Marketing Emails and click Save.
  7. Select the type of mailing.
    1. Automatic Triggered Mailing — See how automatic trigger campaigns work to finish this section.
    2. One-time Blast Mailing (will go to all customers) — When you select this, next select the Send on (one time blast) date and the blast will automatically go out on that date.
  8. Mailer medium type — Your only option is Email, unless you have a Twilio integration, in which case you can select SMS.
  9. If desired, you can select a Saved Customer Search.
  10. You can also select an RMM Asset Search.
  11. Enter the Email Subject.
  12. You can optionally change the Email Sender Address (also "reply-to" address).
  13. Create your Email Body.
  14. When finished, click Create Mailing.


How automatic trigger campaigns work

When you select the Automatic Triggered Mailing option, you will then enter the number of days you want in Trigger Mailing When.

Next, select one of two options.

A. Days Since Ticket Closed

For a customer to be in the pool of customers to receive a Marketr email, the following must be true.

  • A ticket of theirs has been set to Resolved the number of days ago you set in Trigger Mailing When,
  • A paid invoice is attached to that ticket, and
  • The ticket has not been re-worked.

If a ticket is marked resolved but does not have an invoice attached or has an unpaid invoice attached, the customer will not get included.

Note: Although the tooltip for this setting says one requirement is "Issue Type not iPhone," that is no longer true and you can ignore it.

B. Days Since Customer Created

The pool of customers will be based on the customer creation date.

If you want to send the mail to all matching customers regardless of when they were created, set Trigger Mailing When to 0. This will skip the customer creation check. Without a time delay of 0, only new customers get the email. If you select Days Since Ticket Closed, only customers meeting the search and having a paid invoice/resolved ticket would ever get it.

Re-Arm After X Days

You can optionally set a re-arm time which will determine how long after receiving a mail from this campaign a customer will be eligible to receive the same mail again. For example, with a re-arm of 14 days, a customer that receives the mail one day can receive the same mail two weeks later, if they meet the criteria for the campaign still.


Free and Trial Account Restrictions

Free and Trial accounts have certain restrictions on Marketr Campaigns. In particular, blast emails are forbidden, and triggered campaigns that target more than a few customers in a given day are blocked.


Saved Customer Searches

You can leverage the powerful Saved Customer Search tool to better target your campaigns with custom lists. Visit the Saved Customer Search article to learn how to create Saved Search lists.


Using Saved Customer Search Lists

Once you have created the list, you can choose the list from the drop down in the New Mailing screen. Now once the campaign has started, it will go to the customers listed in the search that you created.

If you want to use this feature to remind customers about warranty expiration, you can set that up by following the steps in the Saved Customer Search section above. Just use the Customer Warranty Expiration search setting.

Just name and save your search, and assign it to an active Marketr campaign as described above.


RMM Asset Search

Create lists in a similar manner to Saved Customer Search lists, but using data from the Assets like OS, RAM, Storage space or active AV. This is specific to Kabuto for now, but we plan to expand this to the other RMM integrations we have.

Create a New List on the Marketr Campaign or from the Asset page

Click the blue plus button. If you want to edit or delete the list, head to the Assets tab/Asset Manager and there will be a Green square on the left of the screen that can be clicked. From there it functions in a similar manner to the Saved Customer Searches.


From Mailbox Address

The From Mailbox Address drop-down displays a list of your Mailboxes to use as the Sender email address for the given campaign.

From Mailbox Address100%75%50%

Note: If, before the release of Multiple Outgoing Email Addresses, you had entered an email address that did not match an active Mailbox, a placeholder Mailbox was created and populated for you in the From Mailbox Address field. This mailbox must be activated before it can be used with a Mailer Campaign (see screenshot below for example).

Campaign Statistics

See how effective a campaign is by clicking the graph icon by one.

Statistics will show how many people are getting your campaigns, and if they are opening them, clicking them, sending them to Spam, or even Bounces!



What if I don't want my customers to receive my campaigns?
You can edit the customer record and turn off the Receive Marketing Emails box.

Will contacts on my customer record receive emails from Marketr?
Yes, if you turn on the Include Marketing Contacts checkbox. Otherwise, Marketr will only send out an email to the email address on the main customer record.

What if I've already resolved tickets for customers that I want Marketr to automatically follow up on?
Marketr will backdate sending e-mails for a specific campaign if the customer meets the parameters for sending and email, shown in the example below:
A 14-day follow up campaign is created today. You resolved a ticket for John Smith last week. John Smith will receive an email next week for his 14-day follow up.

Is there a way to add a custom tag to the Marketr emails? e.g. {ticket_subject}?
No, Marketr works on a customer level so there are no custom email tags that specify a ticket.

Is there a way to pause a campaign once created, and restart it at a later time?
Yes, just edit the campaign, turn on Pause this Campaign, and click Update Mailing.

How do I add an image to my Marketr emails?
To add an image, start by clicking Insert/edit image button in the email body box:

A dialog box that looks like this will open:

The source should be the URL of the image. Please note that this must be a publicly-hosted image, so you'll want it uploaded to your company site, or an image hosting site.

The description should be a brief description/title of the image.

You can leave the dimensions blank, or specify a size. Constraining proportions will prevent the image from being distorted if it's being resized.

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