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Bulk Updating Customers

There are two ways to bulk update your Customers.

You can also bulk update Portal Users.

Finally, see guidance on these specific situations.

  • Customers have been set to "No Email - Of Any Kind"
  • Delete all Customers' phone numbers
  • Bulk delete Customers


Bulk manage Customers

This lets you archive, delete, and edit a small number of their properties.
  1. Head to the Customers tab.
  2. Turn on one or more checkboxes to the left of each customer row, or turn on the Name/Business checkbox to select them all.
  3. This will enable the Bulk Actions button. Click it and select one of the following.
    • Edit various customer properties.
    • Edit various customer portal user properties.
    • Archive the selected customers: It will confirm you want to do this. You can click Customer Modules > Show Archived to see them. Once there, if you want to restore one, click the customer's name, then click Actions > Re-Enable.
    • Delete the selected customers: It will confirm you want to do this. WARNING: Make sure you want to delete them, because there is no way to recover them once deleted.


Bulk edit Customer properties

Note the Apply to all 34 matching search instead checkbox reflects any active filters. If none are set, turning on the checkbox a quick way to select ALL your customers instead of needing to go to each page of customers to bulk update them.

Make your desired changes, then click Update Records.

Bulk edit Portal User properties

If you jumped straight here, to bring up the below dialog, on the Customers tab, select one or more Customers. Then in the upper right, click Bulk Actions > Bulk Manage Portal Users.

Note the Apply to all 34 matching search instead checkbox reflects any active filters. If none are set, turning on the checkbox a quick way to select ALL your customers' Portal Users instead of needing to go to each page of customers to bulk update them.

Make your desired changes, then click Update.

Update Customers in CSV file

If you need to perform an update for many customers or update fields that Bulk Action does not allow, try exporting the customers, editing them in a spreadsheet program, then importing them back into RepairShopr.

  1. Export your customer file by navigating to More > Admin > Reports > Customers - Customer Export.
  2. Small files will be immediately downloaded with a filename like customers_dump_07-23-2022. If it's a large file, you will be taken to the File Downloads page with this message at the top: "We are generating the customers export file. Refresh this page in a few minutes." Do that until you see it, and then you can click the file to download it.

  3. Edit the file in Excel or a similar spreadsheet program. It should look something like the following image. Make sure not to modify the numbers in the id column. See column details and notes below.

  4. Once finished with your edits, save or export the file in the CSV format.
  5. Back in RepairShopr, go to More > Admin > Customers - Customer Import.
  6. Under step 4, click Choose File.

  7. Navigate to the file and double click it.
  8. On the Customer Import screen, click Import.
  9. The import can take awhile if the file is large. You will receive an email when the import is complete. You can also go to More > Admin > Reports, then the upper right, click Import Results to see the progress.

Columns in Customer CSV file

id: The unique ID that the software has assigned to that customer. We strongly recommend you do NOT modify this.

firstname: The customers first name.

lastname: The customer's last name.

email: The customer's email address.

address: The main address for the customer.

address_2: Used for apartment number, etc.

city, state, and zip: The customer's location information.

phone: A phone number serves as a unique ID for the customer. We recommend you include one.

mobile_phone: A mobile phone number is required for SMS.

office_phone: Phone number in the Office Phone category.

home_phone: Phone number in the Home Phone category.

fax_phone: Phone number in the Fax Phone category.

other_phone: Phone number in Other Phone category.

get_sms: Set to true if the customer can receive SMS messages.

location_id: We recommend you do not modify this.

business_name: If the customer has a business, or if this is a business account, include the business name here.

created_at: System driven. We recommend you do not edit this unless you specifically need to.

updated_at: System driven. We recommend you do not edit this unless you specifically need to.

referred_by: You can customize referred by sources in More > Admin > Customers - Preferences > Additional Referred By items. These sources will then show up in the Referrals report (More > Admin > Reports > Customers - Referrals).

notes: Notes on Customer detail.

tax_rate_id: the Tax rate for Customer if different than the default. The tax rate is the code in the URL when viewing Tax Rates.

tax_free: Set to true if the customer is tax-exempt.

no_email: Set to true if a the customer should not be permitted to receive email or false if the customer should be permitted to receive email

opt_out: Set to true if customers want to opt out of marketing emails or false if they want to receive them.

disabled: Set to true if the customer is to be disabled (the equivalent of deleted).

custom_fields: These use the following format, where each "field:value" is separated by a semicolon:
   field name:value;next field:value


If you delete the id (which we do not recommend), make sure the name, phone and email are unique enough not to overlap entries.

Some Users have found it necessary to supply the opt_out values (true or false) in order to import successfully. If you find you are having issues importing, add data to that column for every customer depending on the desired setting for if they want emails or not.

Specific Situations

Customers have been set to "No Email - Of Any Kind"

When the system detects a bounced email from the customer, their No Email - Of Any Kind checkbox automatically gets turned on. Their name will then show in More > Admin > Reports > Customers - Opt Outs By Customer. You'll also be notified of this when you try to email them through the system. This is designed to keep your email from getting blocklisted / flagged as spam. If you have a large number of these in the system, you can perform a bulk update to reset these.

To make it so that all your customers are permitted to receive email, set the cells in the no_email column to FALSE. If you do not have a no_email column in your export, go ahead and add it.

You want to delete all your Customers' phone numbers

Replace the phone numbers from the appropriate columns with the text DELETE and be sure to leave the phone column
headers as is.

Bulk delete Customers

To bulk delete customers, can either use the Bulk Actions menu, or disable them in a CSV file. Just set the disabled column in the CSV to true for each customer you want to delete.

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