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RepairTech Solutions / TechSuite Integration

This will sync over the results of TechSuite system scans to RepairShopr and attach to tickets therein.


First, head over to Admin > App Center and click the RepairTech app card.

On the next screen, you will need the displayed subdomain and API information to enter in RepairTech is subsequent steps.

Next, head to and sign up for an account if you haven't already. If you have, well, then you're prepared!

Once signed in to the RepairTech site, click the Settings tab at the top.

Then click on the Application Settings on the left, then click the RepairShopr button. You will need to enter your RepairShopr subdomain and RepairShopr API key on this screen, and then click Test & Apply. That's pretty much it!

You can now download the TechSuite software and begin to use it on devices you are repairing.

When on the TechSuite software main screen, you can choose the technician, the customer's name and the ticket number from RepairShopr. Make sure to include the ticket number to ensure the report makes it to the correct place.

Other Stuff

Do you have a report in RepairShopr that needs to be re-synced, or would you like to force a re-sync of a report?

All previous reports prior to linking RepairTech and RepairShopr won't pull over when sync is created. You'll need to rerun old reports if you want them to show in RepairShopr.

To do this: Once the reports have been uploaded to the RepairTech TechPortal, they can be manually re-pushed to your integration by "editing" their attributes. To do so, click the drop down next to the report that you want to be pushed, and change an attribute like adding a note. After saving, the integration should re-push the report.

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