Create Computer Repair Wizard similar to Mobile Device Wizard
I tested out the mobile device widget, and put it on our site on our "Phone Repairs" page. I am in the process of doing a complete redesign of the site, and I would love to see a wizard that does the same, but for computer problems. Listing common problems as options like: 1. Desktop or Laptop? 2. Virus? Slow Computer? Not Turning On? etc. etc. 3. Operating System? 4. Brand and Model?
Does this make sense? Ultimately, I would like to see an all in one solution that can be put on our home page and customize the colors..something that asks "What Tech Problem are you having?" Choices like: 1. Mobile Device 2. Computer and then proceed to the applicable wizard.
This is live! Check in Admin > Device Widget Customization.
dr GEEKsters commented
Yes, what happened to the updates on this?
We REALLY NEED this changed ASAP!
Stan Young commented
This is not truly completed. We still have no control over the text of every step of the widgets. There are multiple threads on this feature which have either been ignored completely or the status marked incorrectly. Please update this feature!
Alex commented
I agree with Lukas, it is vital that we have more control over the different sections, and be able to create our very own "FULLY" customizable Device repair Widgets.
Lukas commented
Hi Admin,
Im trying to find a similar remedy for our DJ repair business. Obviously color and network are not categories we require, we would like to be able to manipulate the titles of each step in the device repair widget i.e. Item Type > Brand > Model > Fault -
Jon commented
I see this has been implemented into the current mobile device repair wizard, but I would think having a wizard dedicated to Mobile Device and one for Computers would make more sense...instead of having them intertwined. Things like network, color etc. would not be things a client would usually select for a computer but for mobile devices it's important and since those are static within the wizard it there is no way for us to change it as needed.
Chuckles (Instigator, RS User) commented
This looks great Robert! I'm excited to try it out
Chuckles (Instigator, RS User) commented
Great idea Jon!