Report to TRACK phone calls for callers who are NOT already logged as CUSTOMERS
@Troy: I know this seems redundant, but it would be super helpful to have a quick and easy report to reference for all of the CID lookups RS does which DON'T return a result. Would be great to see a log with a search and filters like date/time. Sometimes we write a number down wrong for a customer, and this log would greatly assist in finding incoming calls that were written/typed incorrect.
I know the HTTP query returns [nothing] when there's not a match with the CID lookup, but could you please just dump those "no results" numbers into a report? I know a ton of users like to "call back" callers and other things this could help with. Best of all: Maybe there would be a way to have existing calls merge once the non-customer callers end up getting added! How cool would it be to see they called 3 times last year and finally became a client - WOW!
:virtual-high-five: best-friends #swag